This is a bit sized workshop with postures and exercises taken from the 6 Week Advanced Yoga Course which runs twice a year. We will look at traditional and new age Pilates exercises that condition the core for inversions, arm balances, standing balance ect. Along with these challenging Pilates moves there will be time to practice more advanced yoga transitions such as lifting both legs into headstand, crow into tripod headstand, handstands on stability balls plus much more. This course is open for anyone with at least 1 years experience in Vinyasa Yoga or any other stronger styleof yoga practice. There will be plenty of detailed instructions on how to correctly move into some of the more challenging postures and lots of time to ask questions and find out what works for you. Booking and payment in advance is essential and places are limited.

Cost: $25
Dates: 2/11/16
When Wednesday 630-800pm
Where: Sun Moon Yoga - 1/163 Main Street, Osborne Park

Payment options: No bank fees: Cash or card in person at class or bank transfer into the account below:

Miss K A Arnold
BSB: 062892
Acc: 10018890

Paypal: Fee of $3.90 for processing:



Please email before booking to confirm if places are available. Once paid please send confirmation of payment to ,once funds are received a receipt will be issued. A 10 day cancellation policy applies with no refund.
