In this 6 week course we will explore stronger variations of poses and vinyasa flow yoga sequences eg. 3 point down dog to wild thing (camatkarasana), binding in side angle and moving into bird of paradise and many more stronger variations of postures you may already know. Once we have warmed the body through vinyasa flow yoga we will break down and explore arm balance and inversion postures, which will be our focus for the second half of the class. We will practice crow pose (bakasana), firefly (tittibhasana) side plank (vasisthanasa) headstand (sirsasana), handstand (vrksasana), peacock (pincha mayurasana) and shoulderstand (sarvangasasa).. As we move through the 6 weeks, and if you’ve mastered these poses you’ll be given more challenging variations or sequences to try eg. Crow pose jumping back to vinyasa, crow pose to tripod headstand, free standing inversions away from the wall.

Cost: $120 (If the course isn't full its $25 for a casual)
Dates: 30/8/17
When: Wednesday 630pm

Bookings: Payment in advance, please email to check availability before you pay :

Payment options: No bank fees: Cash in person at the studio or bank transfer into the account below:

Miss K A Arnold
BSB: 066 132
Acc: 1100 3326

Paypal: Fee of $3.49 for processing:

 Please note* no payments are taken on the day of the course, please book in advance to secure a place and to ensure this course will run with the required amount of bookings needed. As this is a popular course a 10 day cancellation policy applies.