As with any practice, a strong foundation needs to be established in order to try some of the more challenging postures. In this workshop you will learn all the necessary tools needed to develop a safe and confident arm balance and inversion practice. Alignment, proper foundation, and the basic principles will all be covered in detail. For those that are ready, progressions will offered.

This workshop will incorporate props (blocks, straps, blankets) to assist you in getting upside down, along with step-by-step instructions on how to balance on your head and your hands.

Postures that will be covered: Side Plank, Crow, Side Crow, Forearm Balance, Handstand, Headstand, if you’ve mastered these posture you will be given progressions and stronger transitions from one balance to the next, all levels are catered for.

Where:  Sun Moon Yoga - 163 Main St, Osborne Park
Time: 2 - 4pm
When: Sunday, 2nd May 2021
Cost: $40
Teacher: Dionne

Payment options: No bank fees: Cash up front at the studio or bank transfer into the account below:

Miss K A Arnold
Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 066132
ACC: 11003326

Or Paypal: Fee for processing included

Cancellation policy: Full refund from the date of purchase up till 7 days before the workshop begins. if you become injured, ill or can longer attend the workshop it may be possible to fill the spot if there is a wait list but this cannot be guaranteed, the more time you give the higher the chance.